Thanks very much, Chair.
Mr. Zettel, I'm really enjoying your comments this morning. We've had a number of committee meetings on studying the biotechnology sector, and usually the conversation seems to gravitate towards the argument of GM versus organic. I think for almost every meeting we've had a nice balance. We've had an organic presence and we've had a non-organic or pro-GM presence. It's been good to have the discussion.
I've detected in some of the conversations we've had before with some of the more organic-oriented people who came before committee that they felt very threatened just by the existence of the GM crops, but what I'm reading here, and what I'm hearing you say, actually, in addition to what you delivered in terms of testimony to the committee, is that you're talking about a respectful existence of both farming systems and about measures that can be put in place to ensure that there is a respectful coexistence. I like that, because I think it better matches reality, reality being that it's very hard to put a moratorium on all GM. It's also very hard to say, on the other hand, that we should go full steam ahead on everything GM. Instead, we're going to have to find compromises here, and we want to make sure that policies that are put in place do foster this respectful coexistence, which is what I would call it.
We had the soybean growers in front of us. Within that product, that commodity, there are GM and non-GM soybean growers, and they seem to coexist. The question I asked was whether those farmers are getting along or whether they're at odds and at each others' throats about some of the issues that are being discussed. There's contamination and everything else. The response we got was that they seem to be coexisting, that there's mutual respect, and that they want to take appropriate measures.
I'm just wondering if you could expand on that a bit, because I found it encouraging and refreshing. I'm wondering if you can perhaps tell the committee what kinds of measures you would envision that would allow for this respectful coexistence.