But in the last bunch of years, certainly through any recessionary times, every business has had to look very hard at itself and inside itself. Am I spending this? Am I overspending on this product? Am I under-spending on this product? Is this supplier charging me too much?
How is it that farm businesses have not reached that, or certainly not to the same degree? You even said, “Well, 20% have a written business plan, and 71% have used that simply to secure financing”, or that that the reason for their business plan is that they can actually take it to a bank, or take it to someone and do it. I mean, the real answer is measuring results.
I'm going to pop over to Mr. Seguin, because you mentioned the other side of this same scenario. Where the federal government is spending money, you're suggesting that we lack measurement of the results of the money we're spending. Is that true? If so, how do we improve?