Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Meredith, actually the Interlake area has flooded for about five years now running. It's a serious situation there.
My question is really on the severe economic hardship advanced payments program. One of the concerns we had at the time the program came in was that it would end up adding a lot more debt on primary producers, and it certainly has. But it has been deferred twice, and that's to the government's credit.
However, there are regions of the country.... I mean, we are a big country. We're not all Alberta, in terms of the beef industry. I know in the Atlantic region we didn't have the price recovery you saw across the rest of the country. In fact we're always at about a 7¢-a-pound disadvantage because of the way pricing works. Even though we're a deficit area in cattle and hogs in Atlantic Canada, the pricing is Toronto less freight. It should be Toronto plus freight, when we're a deficit area. But that's not the way the system works.
So we're at a 7¢ disadvantage to begin with. And really, it's only in the last few months that producers in Atlantic Canada have seen the kind of price improvement that they might be able to pay these loans over time.
The March 31 deadline is approaching, and I've talked to a lot of producers. I think 32 hog producers owe $6.1 million; 50 beef producers still owe $4.6 million. We have to find another option for these producers. They are not going to be in a position....
There are some who can roll it over, depending on what other commodity they're in. The other difficulty is that when you default on your emergency advance, if you're a potato producer, or canola and soybeans, you lose your advance payment on your other commodity.
Can you see any other options for us?
I don't expect the government to defer the whole country for another year because of our situation in Atlantic Canada, but it is extremely serious. I know some producers are waking up at three o'clock in the morning worrying about this issue—almost suicidal.
Are there other options, or is there any way this program can be broken up somewhat regionally for different regions for some distance into the future?