In horticulture, if I might speak for horticulture, it's absolutely critical.
Our big problem is labour cost. Most of the labour—or a lot of it—is offshore labour, and it's not sustainable in the long run. As situations get better in the countries we draw labour from, they'll be less likely to come, so we need to automate.
I think the machinery piece is around productivity, right? We have productivity problems throughout the country in many of our industries. In agriculture, it's particularly significant.
I think about robots. I hate to get down into the details, but robots are pretty cool. Robots are smart; machines are stupid. There's a lot we can do to drive cost, certainly out of horticulture, where there are loads and loads of hand labour, by using robotics. We've got great strength in the country in manufacturing robots.
This situation recently has allowed those guys to.... They're thinking about other options right now instead of building cars. So I think there's lots to be done with equipment and machinery and automation that shouldn't be left behind that speaks directly to productivity.