The only way to effectively make this work and make it complete is to compel all those players—the elevators in the country, the port terminal operators, the grain companies—to come to the table so that we can sit down together and identify capacity opportunities.
That has not been done. We have not been able to get the grain companies to the table to collaborate and to make the same kind of commitments. We get the rhetoric that if the grain is there, they'll work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Well, the grain has been there in spades for the past three weeks, and as I've said, only one of the five terminals has worked 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are just not matching the rhetoric with fact and with the same commitment that the railways are.
We're prepared to do that. We just need all the players to come to the table, and the legislation does not compel all the players to come to the table.