Forgive me, but I am going to have to speak French, because I find it easier to communicate my ideas that way.
In France, like everywhere else in the world, we always have to weigh the pros and cons of laws or new bills. Basically, all of the statistics in the world indicate that by 2050, the world's population will have reached 9 billion. World agricultural production will thus have to be double what it is now. Consequently, for the same parcel of land, we have to double our potential.
Of course, there is mechanization and technology, but we also have to take into account the plant's potential, in this sense that it has to produce more. For it to produce more, there has to be more research, and we have to put more effort into it. In order to put more effort into things, we have to have a guarantee that there will be a reward. It is quite a simple equation.
The objective of food safety is to be able to feed everyone. The farmer is the main actor in all this, and we must have productive agriculture. In order to have productive agriculture we must have the necessary tools. Consequently we must have genetic plant material that meets market needs and consumption needs. Be it in France or elsewhere, I think that logic has to prevail over any ideological or nostalgic speculation.