Thank you, Chair.
At the onset of this bill I thought $400,000 was enough, but as witnesses started coming forward many producer groups and farmers explained how farms have changed: the size of farms, and the amount of money it takes to get through a year. Sometimes it can take millions of dollars. They were saying the $400,000 limit was just not realistic in today's agriculture environment.
Many came forward. We had the Canadian Canola Growers and others, especially grain farmers who are dealing with a lot of money from the start of the year to whenever. It seemed to me that some have mentioned that it should be increased, and I heard $600,000 was a more practical amount.
So my amendment is straightforward. It states:
(b) for all agricultural products produced by a producer or a related producer, to the extent that advances for the agricultural products are attributable to the producer under subsection (2), $600,000 or the amount fixed by regulation.
So that would change from $400,000 to $600,000. Then it goes on and carries through with the maximum amount of all advances that are eligible for the guarantor, back to $600,000 again.
So there it is. I think we have witnesses to state that. It is a loan. It's not an outright grant. So I'm putting that forward.