I'll start, and then I'll ask my colleagues to jump in.
Hi, Mr. Hoback. It's Wade Sobkowich here again, with the WGEA.
When the Wheat Board monopoly was in place, they were involved in grain logistics and they planned logistics for wheat and barley. The grain companies planned logistics for other crops, like oilseeds, flax, pulse crops, etc. It was almost as though we had two layers of logistics, one on top of another, and we tried to fit them together and they didn't always fit. That created some inefficiencies in the system.
Now that we have an open market, we have each grain enterprise managing their own logistics and pulling grain—grains, oilseeds, pulses, wheat, and barley, all of it—through their pipeline and managing their entire pipeline. That has created efficiencies in the system. The problems we're seeing out there right now, I believe we would see amplified if we were dealing with two layers of logistics systems rather than just a single logistics system for a grain handler and an exporter. In terms of volumes, I don't have those numbers off the top of my head.