I'll speak quickly to your question. We all know this, but we just need to remain cognizant that we're still in the early shadows and aftermath of Bill C-49. It only received royal assent on May 23. August 1 is the start of the grain year that all of the planning and reporting goes into. We're still just several months out from that, so I think we need to give that a little bit of time to see the true effects of some of those commercial tools, as the shippers and railways try to either negotiate under that new framework or use some of the mechanisms that are at the shippers' disposal.
As far as the grain transportation system goes, and not to belabour the point, I think we're at a new equilibrium, if you will, on the communications side of things. Part of that is dictated by Bill C-49, and part of that is just all parties getting their acts together and increasing communication over what we've seen in the last several years.
Again, we need to let some time elapse, so that we can give more of a critical analysis of what we've been able to do as an end-to-end supply chain.