I will go back to what I said previously.
The difficulties are not just about our trading relationship with the United States. The deemed trust we have been discussing for some time is a matter which affects our business relationship with other Canadians, in this country. I think it is important to note that. It is not only because we are losing our privileged access right to the American remedies that we are here discussing this, but because there are other needs related to trade within Canada.
As a commercial activity, agriculture is challenging. I mentioned a few of those challenges at the beginning of my presentation, such as sustainable production, the environment, and healthy and safe food. I think that all of these aspects are dealt with well for the moment, on both sides of the border. We have some common concerns.
I would like to talk about herbicides and pesticides, which are not subject to PACA, but are a good illustration of the relationship between two countries whose borders are often defined by a river or by a simple line drawn on the ground. Products that are authorized in the U.S. are used close to the border, but are prohibited in Canada. This weakens Canadians' capacity to compete with American producers.
A produce merchant or an input supplier has a larger market in the United States. The approval process is much more important and he obtains a better return on his investment than if he supplies a smaller market like Canada. This is a very important topic right now as regards organic products.