That I can answer. Worldwide, where experiments have been done with canola, it has been shown that adding managed pollinators to the mix will raise production between 10% and 15%. There have been trials done in Quebec out of the Université de Montréal in the past, but most of that scientific literature is not taken up by the agronomists, who ignore it. I don't understand why because there are a good number of papers.
On soybeans, that may be a bit of a different problem partly because of the pollination mechanism in soybeans. They pollinate within the flower. There is no movement of pollen outside the flower necessarily in order to get a set, but in Brazil there have been studies that said if you add bees to it you get an 8% percentage yield boost. Similarly with sunflowers, there's an up to 20% yield boost, so a number of crops that are recognized as being self-fertllizing, self-pollinating, still benefit quite a lot, significantly, from the activities of pollinators. It's not that you need the pollinators to get a crop. It's that you get a better crop, a bigger crop, better seeds, and so on, by adding pollinators to the mix. That adds some complexity to it.
In Europe there have been interesting studies very recently done, and worldwide, through the global biodiversity initiative out of the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, showing that wild bees are contributing 30% or even higher amounts to crop yields than just managed pollinators, so it is a combination of the two things that seems to be providing that. But that's very new information. It's only just been published in the last couple of years.