Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and good afternoon.
My name is Jaspinder Komal and I am the executive director of the animal health directorate at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the deputy chief veterinary officer of Canada.
The CFIA is a science-based regulatory agency dedicated to safeguarding plants, animals, and food. Our work promotes the health and well-being of Canada's people, environment, and economy.
The CFIA recognizes that bee populations are essential to the health and vitality of the Canadian agriculture sector. However, since my colleagues at AAFC are responsible for measuring bee health, my remarks will focus on the CFIA's science-based approach to maintaining bee health.
The nature of commercial beekeeping operations differs across the country. Some beekeepers specialize in honey production. Others specialize in delivering pollination services, and many beekeepers combine both activities.
At the CFIA, we do comprehensive risk assessments of diseases and other factors influencing bee health, and we collaborate with partners to develop and implement options for risk management. While federal and provincial jurisdictions share responsibility for managing bee health in Canada, the CFIA works primarily at the national level. We do this by designating certain bee diseases as regulated and reportable, which means that specific disease control measures must be applied. We also provide guidance to the bee industry through the national bee farm-level biosecurity standard.
The national bee farm-level biosecurity standard was developed by the CFIA in collaboration with producers, industry associations, academia, provincial governments, and AAFC. The standard was published in 2013.
Development of the national standard was supported by Growing Forward funding. The objective of the standard is to facilitate a consistent Canada-wide approach to the implementation of biosecurity practices for both small and large-scale operations. The standard provides comprehensive practical guidance to prevent the introduction and the spread of pests in the three main Canadian bee sectors, namely, honeybees, alfalfa leafcutting bees, and bumblebees.
AAFC has also provided funding to the Canadian Honey Council to bring together best practices into one reference document for industry. The council produced the “Canadian Beekeepers' Practical Handbook to Bee Biosecurity and Food Safety” in 2015. This material has been translated into French and will be supported by outreach to producers.
The provinces work closely with industry to implement bee health management programs provincially. The provinces are also responsible for the interprovincial movement of bees to minimize the spread of bee diseases and pests.
In addition to its involvement in domestic efforts to maintain bee health, the CFIA also works to minimize the risk of introducing bee diseases into Canada.
The CFIA achieves this by monitoring the animal health status of trading partners, and by preventing animals or related products from coming into the country if they pose a risk to the health of Canada's animal resource base.
Bee diseases and pests can spread between countries through the international trade in bees, especially packaged bees.
A package of bees usually weighs one or 1.5 kilograms, or two to three pounds. The two-pound package contains about 8,000 bees, while a three-pound package contains about 12,000. The bees are shipped in a box with four wooden sides and screened material in the front and back.
Packaged bees are used by beekeepers to establish new colonies and replace winter losses. Canada closed the border to U.S.-packaged honeybees in 1987 because of an outbreak of parasitic mites called the varroa mites in that country. CFIA reassessed the situation in 1994, in 2003, and most recently in 2014. Currently, CFIA only allows the importation of U.S. honeybee queens and their attendants, which are worker bees that take care of the queen. This policy has been in place since the 2003 risk assessment.
Mr. Chairman, you may wonder why the importation of honeybee queens is being treated differently from the importation of packaged bees. This difference is that honeybee queens can be inspected for signs of disease before importation into Canada, whereas such verification is not possible with honeybee packages.
To receive stakeholder input, in 2013 CFIA conducted a one-month consultation process on the honeybee importation issue. A total of 174 responses were received from Canadian individuals, national and regional bee associations, provincial representatives, and even U.S. beekeepers. Seventy-two per cent of respondents were against opening the U.S. border to packaged bees. In March 2014, CFIA communicated the decision on U.S. honeybee packages to various stakeholders, including the Canadian Council of Chief Veterinary Officers and the Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists, CAPA.
Diseases and threats are continuously evolving, and in the current context of globalization, Canada must remain vigilant in maintaining our bee health status. While the U.S. border remains closed to honeybee packages, CFIA is open to discussions with stakeholders, and will continue to work with the Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists to find other sources of honeybees.
Currently, Canadian producers are allowed to import honeybees, queens, and packaged bees from Australia, New Zealand, and Chile.
The CFIA remains committed to a strong and healthy honey and beekeeping sector as part of a sustainable and competitive agricultural system. We will continue to support this goal through collaboration with industry and other government partners.
Thank you again for this opportunity to provide the CFIA's perspective on bee health in Canada.