I think they continue to work on that. With regard to interbreeding salmon, there is another expert you could talk to—not me, I'm not a salmon biologist—about the problems that farmed salmon have breeding with wild salmon. As I understand it, the farmed salmon are very poor performers. So you have another risk factor. Somebody could do a risk analysis, just speaking off the top of my head here, that could say what the probability is.
At the moment, I would say this. I don't mean to insult anybody, but I would suspect that we, and I don't mean me, have created the need to point out that you can create triploid salmon broodstock. That's probably what, in my opinion, the whole industry should be doing. That would take a long time, but then you would have less interbreeding, because farmed salmon do, at times, interbreed, and there's...they're all fertile.