I am here to represent myself, I guess. I'll just give you a history of my personal involvement in GM salmon. At the moment I am a professor emeritus and head of the department of ocean sciences at Memorial University.
I am a little nervous, so if I quiver it's because I don't want you to do this.
My colleagues, Choy Hew from the department of biochemistry at MUN and Peter Davies from Queen's University, and I started studying fish antifreeze proteins in the mid-1970s. These unique proteins evolved to protect fish species inhabiting polar or subpolar waters from freezing when water temperatures declined below the colligative freezing points of their body fluids.
During this time, there was a developing interest in Atlantic salmon aquaculture along the coastal regions of the Atlantic provinces. However, salmon do not have antifreeze proteins to protect them from freezing, so culture operations were restricted to waters where the water temperatures rarely declined below zero.
As academic scientists, we were looking for innovative ways to broaden our research program, so we applied to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council's strategic grants program for funds to transfer antifreeze protein genes from a small flatfish, called the winter flounder, to Atlantic salmon.
Our goal was to develop freeze-resistant salmon, thus enabling the salmon aquaculture industry to expand operations throughout the Atlantic coastline and to create much needed employment in coastal rural areas. Between 1982 and 1999, we were fortunate enough to receive funds of approximately $1.66 million from NSERC for our gene transfer experiments.
During this time, we worked out how to transfer the antifreeze genes to Atlantic salmon—most people thought it was impossible—and to have them expressed and passed on from generation to generation by cross breeding. We found low levels of winter flounder antifreeze proteins in the blood of the Atlantic salmon; however, these levels were insufficient to protect the salmon from freezing.
While the salmon we produced were not sufficiently freeze resistant for aquaculture purposes, our experiments were successful in establishing a proof of concept: genes could be transferred from one fish species to another, actually quite easily.
This success prompted us to look into transferring a growth hormone gene isolated from chinook salmon to the genome of Atlantic salmon in order to accelerate growth rates, and again, to improve the economics of salmon aquaculture in the Atlantic provinces. We started experiments in the fall of 1989, and by 1990 we saw obvious signs of success. Atlantic salmon containing the additional growth hormone gene grew considerably faster than the non-transgenics.
In 1991, when we were applying to renew our NSERC grant to continue our growth hormone gene transfer research, we were reviewed by an NSERC site visit committee who encouraged us to look for an industrial partner so that the results of our research could be commercialized.
We were fortunate enough to do so when we met up with a Mr. Elliot Entis, who was starting up a small privately funded U.S. biotech company, then called A/F Protein, based on the use of fish antifreeze proteins to protect cells and tissues from cold and freezing temperatures.
By this time, Choy Hew and I had filed preliminary patent applications through our employers, Memorial University and The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto—often called SickKids—where Choy Hew had taken up a position. Elliot agreed to license the transgenic salmon technology from our employers and Choy and I became founding members of A/F Protein Inc. Our principal aim was to demonstrate to NSERC that the private sector was interested in our research.
In 1994, A/F Protein Inc. founded A/F Protein Canada, a wholly owned subsidiary. Elliot, Choy Hew, and I served as board members. I took on the position of CEO and chief scientist, and served in this capacity until 2005.
Once incorporated, the company received a loan from ACOA and a matching grant from the Province of Newfoundland. This enabled us to set up a small antifreeze protein purification laboratory in St. John’s that was independent of MUN. Our research on the growth hormone transgenic salmon still continued at MUN’s ocean sciences centre.
The year 1994 was also when Choy and I accompanied Elliot Entis on a visit to the FDA in Washington, D.C., to begin discussions regarding the regulatory approval process for the transgenic product.
In 1996, A/F Protein purchased a small land-based salmon hatchery in Bay Fortune, Souris, P.E.I., for the purpose of developing a broodstock of transgenic salmon.
In 2000, A/F Protein Inc. split into two independent companies: A/F Protein and Aqua Bounty Farms, later AquaBounty Technologies, with Aqua Bounty Canada as its subsidiary. I continued to direct and supervise the operations of both Canadian companies.
By 2003, Aqua Bounty Canada had 36 full-time staff, nine of which were Ph.D.s.
In 2005, most research related to the documents required by the FDA was completed, at least from our end. At this point, the parent company made the decision to lay off most of the employees in St John’s, which included me. I then returned to become a full-time functional professor emeritus at MUN. I took on the position of director of the ocean sciences centre in 2009, and in 2012, I was given the position of head, a position which I still hold.
In 2006, AquaBounty Technologies registered with the London Stock Exchange’s alternative investment market as ABTX. At that time, the company raised about $30 million.
In the interests of full disclosure, I must inform you that I remain on Aqua Bounty Canada’s board of directors. I was asked to serve on the board by the parent company because Canadian law requires a Canadian resident to be on the board of foreign-owned companies. I see no reason not to help the company I helped found. For this, I receive $3,000 a year.