I'm really glad you asked that question because we also have done a lot of work with new entrants and we have found exactly what you said. By far, access to land is the top issue and then access to capital. Often, it's also for business development, since there is really a lack there. The third one would be access to training, but that does vary by region.
Another big problem is farming in the north because there is not much agricultural policy in the territories.
We fully support the seventh pillar on labour, business development, and competitiveness, and maybe young farmers or new entrants do fit there or perhaps they are a pillar of their own. Definitely, it is something that we need to address. The average age of farmers is 55 and 85% currently don't have someone to take over. Meanwhile, the paradox is that we have tons of people wanting to start farms and most of them want to farm in more sustainable ways, often organic, and yet they're not able to access the land. We have a huge opportunity here to help them access land, but I think we would need something like a farm renewal pillar within that.
Labour is also attached, so I totally agree with what you said. We don't necessarily need that much money. Sometimes it's just adapting current grants. For instance, with the current focus on labour and to qualify for summer student jobs, people must be under 30 and have specific training, yet what we find is that a lot of the new entrants are coming to agriculture from different backgrounds and often as a second career. Even if we could just remove those stipulations from the grant application, we would really open up the pool that farmers can have access to. Also, if there is any way we can have a top-up to their salary to incentivize the market for people who want to return to a farm, so they don't get only minimum wage, that's something that could be interesting.
I'm not sure if that answers your question.