Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'm going to talk in French, so you might want to put on your headsets.
My comments will be in the same vein as Mr. Anderson's.
We know that in Europe, the regulatory framework contains extremely high standards. The standards regarding animal transportation are probably among the highest in the world.
Could you tell us a bit about your assessment of the European system? You spoke at some length about shortening the maximum period animals can go without food and water, with which you are more or less comfortable. In Europe, when transportation lasts for eight hours, that is considered a long period, and trucks must be equipped with ventilation systems and drinking troughs, among other things.
What is the situation in Europe? Why is this system cited as an example everywhere on the planet? Could we not get closer to that standard?
You may all answer in turn.
Mr. Novak, you can go first, please.