Thank you very much.
I fully understand your concern. We have it in our area too. There was a provision made for the fish processors. That had been done before.
As you know, we have indicated a commitment to review this program, and we will. As I indicated, Minister Mihychuk is in charge of this. She will put a review in place, and it will be a place to make sure that what you feel, what your apple producers feel, what your beef processors feel, and what whoever works in this country's vitally important.
There was a problem with this program. It's a good program, in my view, whether I should be saying that or not, but it has to be run properly. What we have to do is make sure that Minister Mihychuk gets the information where the work.... As I said before, if we have apple growers or processors of some kind in your riding—or in anybody else's riding—and we do not have the workers to do the processing, and if you have the apples or the potatoes or whatever it is but you don't have the manpower to run the plants, it's vitally important that this message is steered directly to this review. We want to make sure that it's put together properly. We certainly don't want to hurt the economy. If you feel that it would help the economy to have these workers in place, it's very important that you do that.
I think it's very important for everybody to do that, because no matter what minister or what government it is, if you have feedback from entrepreneurs or stakeholders across the country and you make different changes, then you have something to indicate why you've made these changes. That's in fact what she needs and what the government needs in order to put this back in place. I cannot tell you what it's going to be. I come from an area where there were quite a few temporary foreign workers used, but I suppose I have to be a little careful in expressing my full view on it. It's an open discussion, and it's important that you and your stakeholders do that.