Well, I can't speak to the motivations for what was going on. I think essentially what we were doing was saying that there are quota limits that are applied, and we would expect that those quota limits are actually being enforced. Or under the duties relief program, they're supposed to make sure that those goods are not being diverted into the Canadian market, and in some cases they were. They were doing investigations on those, so that's something the department could probably give you more details on if you want to hear from them.
I can't speak to the exact motivation. I think any time you have this type of a system, there are always going to be people who try to figure out whether there are ways to get around it.
The other thing we talked about was that they weren't using the information they had about the types of problems that existed, to go back to look at some of the customs brokers to see whether, through the customs brokers, they could make sure that the system was better enforced or apply penalties if they needed to apply penalties in some cases.
I think in this type of system there are always incentives for people to try to figure out ways to get around it, and the department needs to be doing a better job of enforcing, looking for places where there is non-compliance, and then perhaps imposing penalties if they need to when there is non-compliance.