Again, those are two good questions.
On the $56 million, I want to add something. In the previous presentation, Mr. Drouin, I think, mentioned that we need to level the playing field. I think it's the same in this type of thing. The U.S. and Europe are investing in organic agriculture, and Canada, I think, can lead the way also.
In terms of plant breeding, the same thing is happening. The U.K. and the EU both have developed programs that are based on our programs in Canada. In the case of the EU, they invested in two programs—one at $3.5 million and one at $7 million—in participatory organic plant breeding. We would love to have something similar in Canada.
Going back to what you were just saying about the knowledge transfer, we couldn't agree more that farmers need to be involved in the knowledge transfer. We need extension agents, but also we need research that takes farmers into account. This is where the participatory aspect is so important.
Participatory plant breeding is designed around the farmers. Farmers are at the core, the centre, of the work. They help to establish the goals of the program. They help to decide what works, what doesn't work, and what criteria they want, so that in the end, they get a product that they want, that works on their farm, and that adapts every year to the local growing conditions. This is really a great thing that we should be investing in. With the work we've been doing in Canada, Canada has established a really successful model that other countries are turning to—