Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you all.
As mentioned, I'm an assistant professor. I'm the junior chair of agriculture and environment at UBC's faculty of land and food systems. I'm an agricultural ecologist. My role here is to help farmers reduce their impact on the environment but also to help reduce the environment's impact on agriculture. Specifically, my role is to help farmers with climate change adaptation.
I'm also the chair of the B.C. agricultural climate adaptation research network, ACARN. This is a network that comprises five universities in the province, industry, NGOs, and government organizations. The objective of this research network is to enhance B.C. agriculture's capacity to adapt to climate change.
My knowledge and experience are focused mainly on B.C., but I think some of what I'll say applies broadly to farmers across the country.
Here in B.C. we expect to see temperatures and precipitation increase. Increased temperatures could present a great opportunity for our growers here, as we would see increased numbers of growing degree days. The challenge, however, with increased precipitation is that we're expecting to see this on the important shoulder seasons: in the spring, when farmers are trying to get their fields ready for planting, and in the fall, when the farmers are trying to harvest. In case you don't know, when you put heavy equipment on saturated soils, you can potentially cause irreparable damage to that soil, impacting the productivity of the system and the long-term sustainability of the farm.
In terms of the projections for B.C., the models suggest that we could see increases of up to 12% to 15%, even by 2030, in terms of precipitation. If we were to capitalize on the increased growing degree days, we'd for sure need to do something about drainage.
The other important thing to note is that increased precipitation in the shoulder seasons is not necessarily good for our water dynamics in terms of the production season. With increased precipitation, we're actually expecting a reduced snowpack. The snowpack is where we store our water for use in irrigation in the summertime. As that resource is reduced, we may be turning to groundwater resources more frequently for irrigation. The problem is that we don't have a good handle on the status of our groundwater here in B.C., or on the changes to it. We also haven't planned well in terms of forward thinking in terms of other water resources.
I think you're also interested in hearing about soil, and that's what a lot of my research is focused on. It's clear that if we change our management of soil, we could help address some of these problems. We could also help to mitigate the impacts of climate change broadly. By increasing soil organic matter through a number of different management practices, we can potentially increase the water-holding capacity in the soil, improve soil structure, improve infiltration rates, and overall improve the resilience of our crops and our farming systems.
There are a number of well-known management practices that can increase soil organic matter. The challenge is in getting farmers to adopt these practices in the face of labour or other economic constraints. Some of these practices need to be incentivized in some way. Broadly across Canada, it's possible that we could substantially increase our soil organic matter on the 20% of our agricultural lands that are currently considered moderately to severely degraded and are not currently sequestering carbon.
Climate change is a huge challenge for agriculture, as it is for other sectors, but farmers are going to be some of the first and hardest hit. As we heard earlier, farmers are already recognizing that problem. They are recognizing the problem here in B.C. The major challenge is that this is a big, slow-moving beast, and it's hard to differentiate the challenges of fluctuations in weather patterns we have seen in the past with the ongoing and quite dramatic changes we're expecting to see.
We just held a workshop last week with a number of industry groups, and it's clear that they have a whole set of research priorities that are related to pest management, nutrient management, disease control, and managing for irrigation, but many of their research priorities are not consistent with what some of the long-term research priorities should be.
For us as researchers who are thinking about the long game, the challenge then becomes some of the more dramatic impacts that are going to happen with climate change. How do we get funding when we need industry to match it? Industry is clearly looking at the near term, and that's important, it's critical, but we also need to be playing the long game. How is it that we're going to do that research for projecting industry needs 10 or 30 years down the road if we need that industry match and they are focused on today?
What I ask of you all is to help think outside of the box. How do we get the funding into research so that we are ready for the big changes that are coming?
We also need to be thinking in ways that are going to address the complexity of this situation. Climate change is incredibly complex. We need to be thinking about the economics, the environmental problems, as well as the social issues that are involved, and we need to be thinking about some of the opportunities for our local farmers but at the same time consider the agricultural situation across the nation.