Thank you, Chair. I hope that the letters the agriculture committee sends bring action.
I think back to all of the numerous letters on PACA that we wrote recently to the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Innovation. It took us many months to get a response. Finally, we did get a response. I've found it very frustrating and almost insulting that our committee wrote letters and didn't even get notification to say that they got the letter, they're looking at it, and they'll eventually get back to us. Our letters were completely ignored.
I think Bill C-49 is going to be part of the solution. Once again, I think everybody wants to see the portion of Bill C-49 on grain passed, and passed quickly, but it has to be done right. A lot of groups, a lot of farmers, and a lot of our stakeholders have said that it needs to be fixed. It needs to be amended. Once again, I think we have to make sure that we get it right.
As for Bill C-49, we could debate ad nauseam what is an omnibus bill and what is not, but when there is a piece of legislation that changes 13 other pieces of legislation, even though they might have some kind of link, it is an omnibus bill. We're not going to have that debate right now at committee.
I've said before—and I've been thinking about this for a while because Bill C-49 is in the other place—we're looking at ways to get the grain part carved out and expedited. When we get back to the House, I will be asking for unanimous consent to have that done in the Senate. Maybe you guys could look at it. We've been talking to the clerks. We're going to draft a motion. Hopefully, we'll get all-party support to ask the Senate to carve out the grain portion.
I'm not against writing a letter. I think what we should also be writing a letter to the Minister of Agriculture and, notably, the Minister of Transport asking him to act, asking him to look back. He was in the House in 2013-14 in the second opposition party. He needs to look at the measures that were taken by the Conservative government. There are tools he could be using that he isn't using right now.
As the agriculture committee, we have decided to look at this on the 19th, but I think what we need to do is write to the Minister of Transport and ask him to move forward with an order in council. I think we need to ask him to pull out the big stick. Hopefully, the Minister of Agriculture is putting pressure on and working with the Minister of Transport, but we need to be standing up for farmers.
Bill C-49 is one thing, and obviously we're going to do our best to see that the grain portion gets carved out and moved forward with in a decent manner in the Senate, but I think there's something we could do now. We could be putting pressure on the Minister of Transport and asking him to take all the tools available to get grain moving. We can have all the trade deals in the world, but it doesn't matter if we can't get the grain out. The perception of us on the international scene is being tarnished once again because we can't get our shit together, so I'm really hoping that we could all come together. Why don't we put a letter together for the Minister of Transport—and cc it to the Minister of Agriculture—asking him to use all of the tools in the tool box?