Yes. We've been calling for some federal leadership. We know very clearly that it is within the agriculture minister's mandate to address AgriStability in particular.
I want to build on a point, if I may, that Mr. Perron made.
I'm not an expert on supply management, but I think it's an interesting perspective that supply management offers a certain level of protection to the sector during times like this. I might suggest that the export-oriented sector is also worthy of a level of protection during times like this. I think that if we had addressed some of the challenges we're currently facing through this pandemic period—and to Jeff's point with respect to some of the market access challenges we're facing and what we call last year's harvest from hell—we wouldn't find ourselves in the situation we're currently in.
This could have been done proactively, and I think it could have been done more effectively to address some of the challenges we're facing during the pandemic. I think you would have seen fewer requests for ad hoc support if a framework were already in place to provide the meaningful support that export-oriented farmers are, in my view, entitled to.