All right. I'm not sure how to answer your question because I like to buy and sell cows. I was asked to come here and give my input and stuff like that. I am a drover, but I am going to come to you from a producer's perspective here in Nova Scotia.
I find that in Nova Scotia we're behind the eight ball. Our input costs, our trucking and the price we receive for stuff here in the Maritimes always seems to be less than when you get into central Canada. I know there are other parts of Canada that are probably in our predicament too, but I find that where Nova Scotia lies, we don't have that big of a population here, so I think the reason why farmers here in Nova Scotia would like something more secure is so that we can get back to a level playing field, so that it can become an economical business, if you know what I mean.
For those reasons—our input costs, our trucking costs—we receive less money when we sell our product, because it has to go up the road. It has to do this; it has to do that. That's why I support having a federal plant here in Nova Scotia.
I will be honest; there's more work to be done, but hopefully these are the beginning stages. Maybe we can get a few more industry players here and some more government talks so that the ball starts rolling forward.