Yes. In addition, we have sent notes to all farmers with a view to preventing situations like that. We have told them that, if ever that situation happens on their farms, they must not try to deal with the situation themselves and they must call the police instead. We have given them an entire procedure to follow. We ask them specifically to take photographs so that people can be identified.
However, Mr. Perron, we are certainly not able to control the reactions that each and every farmer might have.
You are a farmer, Mr. Lehoux, and you know farmers. You know that not everyone would react by keeping cool. I am sure that some would tell people to get off their land immediately. All kinds of things can happen in situations like that. Emotions can get the better of people.
Yes, we are certainly afraid of that. I even feel that it is what the activists are looking for. If they can capitalize on a situation to decry violence on the part of a farmer as well, you can be sure that they will.