It's very much a shared file.
On the prevention side, we have focused on a few key things. Number one is biosecurity. We need to make sure that producers are doing everything they can and have all the tools they need, all the guides they need, to make sure we have a good line of defence there. We've also taken action at the border. We have new dogs. When people were travelling, they were really checking on all the flights. Now they are focused more on the postal stream to make sure that no meat products are coming in illegally through that stream.
In terms of preparing if the worst were to come, we have been working a lot with provinces and industry on destruction options, on where disposal would happen, just so we can think through all of those key details before we ever have to face it for real.
Then we have a whole line of businesses, as the minister mentioned in her remarks, around zoning and compartments, working with trading partners so that, should it hit, we would have some good ways to keep the markets open or get them reopened very quickly.
Last is communication, just to keep this top of mind for everyone.