I'll try to keep them very short.
We are extremely pleased that AAFC and Environment Canada have both been very clear on recognizing the importance of 4R nutrient stewardship to climate change reduction ambitions. We feel that those departments now have to help put those words into action by fully integrating the 4Rs into their programs, policies and international climate diplomacy.
Further, we would recommend that Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada increase the focus of future investments on 4R nutrient stewardship. That goes beyond the current $200 million on-farm climate action fund.
We shouldn't limit the tool box that is available to farmers for improving their nitrogen use efficiency and reducing nitrous oxide. We think AAFC needs to expand its future programs to fully explore a wide range of emerging technologies in the 4R tool box, such as enhanced efficiency fertilizers, variable rate application, biostimulants and biologicals, to name a few.
We are also underestimating the power of certified crop advisers, who are the most trusted advisers to farmers, to help farmers adjust to new management practices.
Also, protocols or offset programs need to be a higher priority for N2O.
Lastly, as Tom mentioned, there are some issues with the national inventory. We think some work needs to be done to make the national inventory of greenhouse gas more reflective of the current reality on farming in Canada.