I think you have a good understanding of the fact that the grassland is an important ecosystem and provides so much value to the greater economy and society in general.
Number one, we have to figure out a way to promote the stabilization and prevent the conversion from further conversion because, as I mentioned, we're losing it at an alarming rate. If we had programs that perhaps showed the value of the carbon sequestration that's happening on those grasslands, then producers like me could look at that and, rather than seeding that piece of land that might not grow the best canola, we could leave it in forages, value that carbon and not promote the grain farming side of my operation. If that happens, if we take the forages out, there would be a huge carbon release, which would happen on the natural lands as well.
We have to have ways and programming that can effectively support and promote grasslands to be maintained in grasslands, just like the crop insurance and the shared premium. That would be huge, especially for our young producers, to support grasslands and beef production.