Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My name is Claire Citeau and I'm the Executive Director of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, the voice of Canadian agri-food exporters.
Access to food should know no boundaries. Given that our mandate is focused on trade liberalization, I will speak to the matter of global food security and Canada's role from a trade policy perspective.
Allow me to share three highlights. International trade is essential for food security and nutrition. It provides livelihoods to millions and plays an important role in the sustainability of the food system. It is crucial that the trade policy environment is transparent, predictable and science- and rules-based. Policy-makers should refrain from using export restrictions and instead reorient support policies toward investments in productivity, sustainability and resilience.
We are the fifth-largest global agri-food exporter. Countries around the world depend on Canada for their food security. The agri-food sector is export-oriented, as we sell abroad more than half of the products we make to more than 150 countries. For example, anywhere from 50% of our beef to 90% of our pulses end up on plates around the world.
To ensure that Canadian agri-food can continue to play an important role in global food security, exporters must have competitive access to markets guided by the principles of free and rules-based trade. International trade serves as the backbone of Canada's food sector and the global food system. It serves as the bridge to get products from where they are grown to where they are needed. In doing so, trade enables food security while creating economic opportunities for producers, farmers and SMEs. Trade is also a key factor in the sustainable and efficient use of scarce global resources.
According to the Potsdam Institute and cited by the World Trade Organization, today one in six people around the world depend on international trade to be fed. This number will be around 50% of humanity by 2050, hence the need for more and better trade. All too often, international markets for food function poorly, owing to problems like trade-distorting subsidies and various forms of protection. Food export restrictions can be highly damaging too and may decrease domestic prices temporarily. They destabilize markets and ultimately lead to higher prices elsewhere. The fragility of the trading system harms Canada's ability to be the breadbasket to the world that we aspire to be.
I will share a few recommendations, on behalf of CAFTA, for policy-makers.
First, diversify and keep agri-food markets open. This was instrumental in avoiding food shortages during the 2008 financial crisis, as well as since the start of the pandemic. We must ensure that we do not slide backward and retreat by allowing barriers in the name of food security.
Second, limit export restrictions. Policy-makers should refrain from using export restrictions and prohibitions on agri-food trade in line with the ministerial declaration at MC12 and the call last month by major multilateral agencies to minimize distortions, market interventions and subsidies. Today the restrictions on food, feed and fertilizers in 52 countries around the globe remain a major source of concern.
Third, invest in transparency to minimize disruptions. In times of crisis, countries around the world have demonstrated an ability to provide information and notifications of measures adopted in a relatively timely and transparent manner. Such practices should remain in place and be made permanent for sanitary, phytosanitary and technical measures that affect agri-food trade.
Fourth, facilitate trade. Policy-makers should enhance the implementation of the SPS agreement, again in line with the ministerial declaration at MC12; support greater regulatory co-operation and harmonization of standards; and engage with the private sector to reduce compliance costs and expedite the adoption of digital solutions and tools.
Fifth, reorient existing subsidy policies. The latest OECD report on agriculture policy found that, in most cases, existing domestic support in agri-food distorts trade without providing effective solutions to food security and sustainability. It also suggests that, instead, public spending should be shifted towards investments in food and agriculture innovation and improving food supply chain infrastructure and resilience.
Sixth and last, reinstate the WTO's appellate body. This is the core of the function of the WTO, and it holds the key to stability, security and predictability to conduct global trade.
In closing, I’ll reiterate that access to food should know no boundaries. Ultimately, global food security is a security issue.
Agricultural trade can feed people, the planet and the economy, but it can only happen through global co-operation and better predictability and security in the multilateral trading system.
As the industry is set to increase exports, our members look to the government to continue to open doors and champion regulations that will allow the industry to remain competitive globally, as well as work to limit the use of regulatory approaches that restrict trade and enact barriers. We need to be essentially quicker to the market with products and policy solutions.
Ultimately, with the right policy choices, Canada today has an immense opportunity to seize, one that will help the world and strengthen Canada’s place in the world and Canada's competitiveness as an agri-food exporter.
Thank you.