I'm happy to do so. We'll reach out again.
Thank you, Mr. Lehoux.
The final piece of business, if I do have just a moment, is that we did receive a letter of correspondence from the president and CEO of the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity, and I'll make sure that the clerk distributes this accordingly. I think it's come to me in my capacity as chair, but it goes on to talk about Canadians' trust and feelings towards the food system. It might have some relevance to what we're about to talk about when we move to the grocery study. I'm going to have the clerk disseminate this email, along with the attachment. The request is essentially that if this particular organization could be of use to us in terms of a briefing or conversation, they are open to doing that.
As we look to try to fill our calendar where there is going to be some up and down between two, three or four things, the grocery study, and being able to finish the report on global food security, why don't we have a conversation when we get back after the break week? If you want, we could potentially use a meeting to schedule something so we could have this conversation. Just for your benefit, it will be distributed. I wanted to raise it here.
I don't think I have anything else. Thank you for indulging me for the extra time. Now we'll call it a day.
Thank you, colleagues.