Thank you for your question.
Yes, I do think that biosecurity is critically important, and I will say that as somebody who cares deeply about animals in an organization that works to enhance their protection, it's devastating to us when we learn about Avian influenza wiping out entire flocks. These are birds who are are euthanized in cold and really brutal ways.
We think it's very important to have biosecurity standards, but I would say two things. First of all, it would be preferable to us if those standards were actually enshrined in law, but this bill isn't the way to accomplish stronger biosecurity. It doesn't actually address the threats that have been identified and are evidence-based in terms of what we see emerging from threats that actually cause diseases. I think that something that applies to everybody who is on a farm would actually be fair, and it would address the root cause of biosecurity threats and disease outbreaks.