There obviously has been speculation either way, though, because we're having the discussion of whether that's a possibility or not. To just blindly make a statement like, “Canadians don't have trust in our farmers anymore” is damaging to our reputation, and I think it does a great disservice to our producers across the country. I really feel that we've gone into a weird place with the agriculture committee right now, where we're actually putting farmers on trial and saying that they're not doing their jobs.
I grew up on a dairy and beef farm and I know the protocols we had. Some of the CFIA standards we're talking about are voluntary. We're trying to say now that our producers aren't doing the job and aren't going the extra mile to make sure their animals are safe. I, for one, don't believe that for a second.
We had a program, and lots of dairy farmers have this program—Mr. Lehoux is a dairy farmer, as well—called “herd health”. Veterinarians come and check on the herd health twice a month. If the veterinarians find something wrong or if they have a big concern, they contact the CFIA.
Dr. Ireland, can you comment on some of the processes and protocols that our producers do voluntarily, and on the fact that, as with the herd health program, if there is something wrong, they have professionals on the farm who come to check? They have it in other industries as well, such as pork and dairy.
Just comment on some of those protocols our farmers follow that are above and beyond those in some other jurisdictions around the world.