Thank you very much for that question.
Yes, basically our main costs right now are the infrastructure set up for a transload facility that is 45 minutes away from the mill. Trucking comes at a heavy cost. We also get hit with demurrage bills for railcars that sit on the island, which we can't unload in a timely manner. In the last year of rail service alone, I think we did not have a dollar of demurrage. Lately, we've been seeing demurrage bills of up to $5,500 in a month. The delay in the cars getting unloaded in a timely manner and back into the supply chain definitely hurts us, and it hurts other businesses as well.
It comes at a heavy cost for the maintenance aspects. Our maintenance team is designated to the mill, but when there's an issue 45 minutes away, we could lose our maintenance team at the mill for up to half a day.
Supply isn't a problem. Our volume and our contracts go out quite long. On April 1 of this year, the barge will be down for two weeks for maintenance issues, so we will be storing up a lot of grain on Vancouver Island to get through those two or three weeks that the barge is out of service. It's going to come with a hefty cost in demurrage. Those cars will be sitting a while.