Yes. We've had full capacity. We'll shut down at two o'clock in the morning. My night guy shuts down at two o'clock in the morning and I start at 3:30. By that time, there will be four or five trucks sitting in the laneway waiting to get unloaded. They have to wait until I load somebody and put hay in. Then I can unload them. They may sit in the laneway for two or three hours before they get unloaded. So far, everybody has worked with me. Everybody knows what the situation is. We try to make it work the best we can.
If you get a snowstorm or the road is closed, that really puts a kibosh on things. We had 38 trucks in here one day, all at one time. We were loading cattle and they were in the barn for 12 hours. We'd reload them back on the truck, take another load of cattle off and unload the first load again when his 24 hours was up sitting in the laneway. Some cattle were in the barn three times before they got out of here.