Thank you, Mr. Chair.
With this bill, the Conservative government will have once again shown that it doesn't listen. It is interfering in many areas of the cultural industry, stirring up ill-feelings and breaking up systems that were quite effective. Rather than looking for "made in the U.S.A." methods, as it likes to do, the government should have drawn inspiration from several options that have, so far, created a nice balance in Quebec.
Quebec has a lot to say about the cultural industry, and with good reason. Quebec culture is neither folklore nor heritage; it is avidly consumed every day. We watch it on television, we read it, we listen to it, we see it in the movies. I'm not talking about a virtuous interest stemming from an awareness of the history, but a real living language, a deep and daily identification. What distinguishes the Quebec nation has generated the commitment of businesspeople and tradespeople who are behind these authors. These people have a market-based approach, and they have exchanged and created many links internationally.
It is with much enthusiasm that I will try to contribute to the efforts made by organizations, including the Canadian Conference of the Arts, to create even more links between the cultural stakeholders of Quebec and others across Canada. All of Canadian culture will benefit from the expertise of the Quebec entertainment industry.
The Quebec cultural environment has mobilized because the balance achieved is threatened by Bill C-11 in several ways. Quebec's cultural know-how wasn't considered in either the preparation of the bill nor in the hearings, including those on Bill C-32 and on Bill C-11. Furthermore, I'll note in passing that the Conservative members of this committee have never ever spoken in French!
Once again, this government has slammed the door on Quebec's face. This contempt has very concrete consequences. Bill C-11 doesn't repair the immense loss of revenues related to the technological development of private copying.
In proposed clauses 29.22 and 29.24, the general flow guarantees copying for personal use without framing the legitimacy or providing royalties. We all know that it is legitimate for consumers to digitize a CD they bought in a store so they can listen to it on whatever platform they own, and that if everyone filled their iPods with music from iTunes, as suggested by Apple, there would just be new distribution methods. But this new digital formal has led to an alarming statistic we all know: nearly 90% of the music on an average iPod is pirated.
So I call upon my colleagues from all parties to study in good faith the update of the royalties system on private copying, royalties that belong to the authors. Because the audio cassette and then the CD-R make private copying possible, this system of royalties must take into account new technologies that both facilitate the life of authors and make it easier to steal from them.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.