You talked about how suing should not be a business model. Let me get to one of the things we heard from somebody else here about notice and notice, or notice and takedown, which has been suggested, right? One of the difficulties here is that if you're saying that you're going to rely upon someone suing the person who has put up the item rather than having it taken down by the ISP—which I think is problematic anyway—isn't that encouraging suing as a response?
Isn't it encouraging suing if you say that the way you have to enforce this is by suing the individual who has put up the content, and then working out whether or not there's an infringement, rather than having some other mechanism? CIMA has talked about a made-in-Canada solution to this, and I see a problem with that. The problem with just saying that the ISP has to take it down is that then the ISP perhaps is the arbiter determining whether or not this has been an infringement, and there's not some third body, right?
But is there some other alternative to this that is reasonable for both?