With regard to your new responsibilities—in fact, you would have had others if other legislation had been put through—you're telling us in your document here that you are able to call witnesses and to investigate and to provide some remedies. You'll note from the legislation that's in front of us that there are similar kinds of powers to be given to the tribunal.
What additional tools would you require to meet the same kind of standard that is being set out in Bill C-2, or would you require further tools than resources? That's why I asked you the question. You obviously need more resources, and that's maybe for us to put on the table and not for you. I appreciate your position.
I'm curious, but if you were given this responsibility or a similar responsibility as the tribunal, what additional tools or scope would you require in terms of remedy and investigation...? Well, you have abilities to investigate and to hold hearings, etc., but what additional powers would you need?