Okay, I never know with that acronym.
But because of that distinction, if you have an entity—and I'm not aware of any currently—under the Access to Information Act that's not also under the Privacy Act, you have the potential for a bit of a disconnect, in that you would have a definition of personal information under the Access to Information Act that's based on the Privacy Act, yet you have an institution that's not subject to the Privacy Act under PIPEDA operating under a completely different definition for personal information.
So their requirements, in terms of maintaining confidentiality with respect to personal information, is different under PIPEDA from what it would be under the Privacy Act. You're going to end up with a potential collision between concepts, where they may be required to disclose information under the Access to Information Act, which normally, under PIPEDA, they would not be required to disclose.
So it can create a conflict. Certainly, as I say, how is it just the usual? I'm not aware of any case in which we have an institution under the Access to Information Act that is not subject to the Privacy Act.