On your first question as to whether we had more than 48 hours' notice to put a bill together, clearly we did.
On the second question regarding how the issue of including the breach of LTSO evolved, I first heard of that issue in November 2004, when it was raised by the Ontario Attorney General. It was in fact tabled officially in January 2005 for consideration. The FPT high-risk offender working group has been tackling that issue for some time.
As you'll recall, in testimony before this committee on June 5, the minister confirmed he was awaiting the deliberations of the FPT working group and consideration by FPT justice ministers, and that he was hoping to come back this fall with inclusion of such a provision. That work was for the most part completed over this past summer and a recommendation was discussed thoroughly. In fact the fruit of that labour is as you see in the bill before you. So there has been extensive consultation, which has been going on for some time, to achieve not only a viable model but one that will work in all jurisdictions.
I think the question raised by Mr. Cooper, for whom I have great respect, is his particular perspective. He was not here as an official speaking for the Ontario Attorney General; he made it clear he was speaking on his own behalf. Prior to our exploring that further and jumping in with any type of conclusion--I think he proposed a specific amendment to section 760--we would want to consult fully and broadly with the FPT partners. We haven't done that work, and it wasn't raised by the Ontario Attorney General officials during prior consultations.