Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
It is interesting that you mentioned that it's been over 20 years. It's been almost exactly 20 years since I appeared before a committee of the House of Commons, a joint committee of the House of Commons and the Senate, 20 years ago. Interestingly enough, the subject is the same as it was 20 years ago.
Without further adieu, with your permission, I'll go ahead with my presentation, which will take about 10 minutes. I didn't know our chair would be “Madam Chair” when I wrote this up, so you'll have to forgive me, I hope. But I'm very pleased to be here today.
I have attached copies in English and French of my statement, “The Case for Initiating Senate Reform”, which I've been presenting to the premiers of the provinces and territories as we have met with them over the past few months. I thought it was only fair that this committee hear exactly what I've been giving the premiers of the country as I've toured since the beginning of January.
The points for Senate reform will take about 10 minutes to go through. I am prepared to answer any questions you may have on the points, as well as on my thoughts on Bill C-20 and its constitutionality and/or possible amendments that might make it more attractive to all parties in the House of Commons.
Support for Senate reform in the public polls is now 79% for the election of future senators—and that's Canada-wide.
For the first time in history, Canada has a prime minister publicly committed to the election of senators.
Real Senate reform can benefit every province, large and small, as well as minority interests within provinces.
Reform of the Senate is an important enough issue of long-standing interest to Canadians to warrant the focus of the provincial legislatures on it as a single issue.
The call from the western provinces for a triple-E Senate was never meant as an attack on central Canada or Atlantic Canada, but a desire for a real voice and real vote in Canada's upper house.
The Meech Lake accord failed because it didn't address the desires of provinces outside of central Canada.
The Charlottetown accord was rejected by the majority of Canadians and the majority of the provinces because it tried to address too many issues under one blanket constitutional proposal.
The Federation of the Provinces is a worthwhile sounding board for the concerns of premiers, but because it convenes only a few times a year, it has no ongoing input into federal legislation.
Only an elected Senate in session, in conjunction with the House of Commons, can be capable of providing continuous input into the proposed federal legislation, backed up with a vote and, if necessary, a veto by a majority of provincially elected representatives.
A reformed Senate could have prevented past majority governments from taking Canada to the brink of financial disaster. Our nation needs a counterbalance to federal parties that pursue party interests by buying votes on a national credit card.
Only a reformed Senate can prevent any future return to a single federal party putting its interests ahead of the national interests.
Senate reform does not require a constitutional amendment. Alberta has held three senatorial elections, and the winners of two of these elections have been appointed without constitutional change.
The only requirements for a prime minister to appoint elected senators have always existed. They are: a prime minister committed to respecting provincial Senate election results, and provinces willing to hold senatorial elections.
There are 14 existing Senate vacancies in seven provinces and one territory. Before 2008 ends, there will be 17 vacancies in eight provinces and one territory. As of yesterday, Senator Gill spent his last day in the Senate, so there are already 15.
If a number of provincial legislatures grasp this historic opportunity, they can have elected representatives to protect and forward their interests in the upper house daily.
It is possible to have a majority of elected senators within less than eight years, simply by filling naturally occurring retirement vacancies with provincially elected representatives.
That timeframe provides the provincial governments with eight years to discuss and agree upon the necessary conditions for a stand-alone amendment to the Constitution for, first, the change in numerical representation in the Senate by province. Whether those numbers are half of equal numbers to the large provinces, three-quarters of equality, or full equality, the provinces will have to decide. The second condition would require an agreement on an override for the House of Commons to assuage the fears of those who oppose an elected Senate with veto powers.
The provinces and their leaders have a time-limited opportunity with a willing prime minister and a huge majority of Canadians who want to democratize their Senate for the 21st century.
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I have read some of the testimonies of previous individuals and panels who have spoken to Bill C-20. My committee and I find ourselves in agreement with most of the recommendations of Vincent Pouliot of the Centre for the Study of Responsible Government.
Mr. Pouliot recommends that the Chief Electoral Officer be charged to ensure that nominees qualify to be senators as set out by section 23 of the Constitution Act. That would also have to include a clause on page 7 of the Constitution. The phrase “political party”, he recommends, should be changed to read “provincial political party”. Bill C-20 should permit the provinces to determine otherwise how they wish to be represented in the Senate. For example, Quebec will, in the beginning, want to elect their future senators through the votes of their National Assembly. That was their position during the Charlottetown negotiations when I was there, and I assume it still is the same.
We agree with the above.
Very recently we were asked for an override provision that would permit the House of Commons to retain supremacy over an elected Senate with a majority opposed to a bill of the Commons. In consultation with Dr. David Elton, professor emeritus, political scientist, and others, we developed what l have named the “Elton override”. It is simplicity itself as well as brief in form.
When the Commons approves a bill and sends it to the Senate, which finds a majority of senators voting opposed, the bill would be sent back to the Commons immediately. Thereafter, the Commons would want a bill to become law and be unaltered. The Commons would send it back to the Senate by the same vote, not more or less, but by a simple majority.
The Senate must then vote a majority of its members, including seven provinces out of 10, representing 50% of the population. The timeline for this second Senate vote would be very short, possibly one month or 12 sitting Senate days.
Such an extraordinary majority as the Elton override requires from the Senate justifies the powers now existing in the Senate to remain in a reformed, elected, and more equally represented Senate of the future. The new Senate would truly be the House of the Provinces.
Thank you, Madam Chairman.