Thank you, Madam Chair.
On that point, I would have to strongly disagree with you, for the simple reason that I have been witness to a summons by the Prime Minister of the day to deal with health care. All of the premiers were at the meeting. It was on television. The Prime Minister said that each premier would have five minutes to speak on the subject. When it came to the Premier of Alberta, coincidentally they were already handing out a document. Before the premier could finish his speech, the Prime Minister said, “Take it or leave it”, and walked out of the room. The Premier of Alberta went to a casino.
That is just one of the problems.
You asked in your earlier question about why we said this country came to the brink of disaster in terms of economics. That was back in 1981-82, when we were already carrying a huge debt. I can't quote it exactly, but it was in the neighbourhood of $550 billion, and headed for $680 billion. We were accumulating a debt at $9 billion a month. The man who created this override actually came to me and told me that we were within 18 months of the IMF telling us how to run this country. I don't blame that result on any one political party because the accumulation of that debt spanned two political parties that were leaders and prime ministers of this country.
Mr. Elton's questions were: How do we stop this? How do we make people understand that a prime minister with a majority government has unlimited powers? There is no constitutional limitation on the powers of a prime minister other than a revolt by his cabinet. Cabinet people very seldom revolt if they have children in college, or if they like a chauffeured car, or if they have plans to become a minister or a parliamentary secretary, or whatever.
In the House of Commons right now, regardless of the political affiliation of the Prime Minister--I don't want to be seen as picking one party over the other--you have the potential of any prime minister, past or future, taking this country down the road to places no one wants to go, but no one can get it stopped. Once the debt began to accumulate and got to $9 billion a month, it was impossible to turn the economic ship of state around before we added another $300 billion to the debt. As a consequence, the country went through an awful lot of machinations to get to where we are now, which I understand is just now below $500 billion.
When I talked to the provincial government in Alberta about it, I asked the treasury to run the figures at a $5 billion retirement per year at 5%. That amounted to $2.78 trillion to pay off the national debt at that time.
I don't know of a better way to answer why we need a Senate that can exercise the interests of the provinces, and not only have a voice and have amending ability, but also ultimately have a veto. It doesn't have to be a confidence motion. One thing the Senate doesn't have now is the ability to introduce bills to spend a lot of money. They do have the power to veto them; they just don't exercise it.