I see quorum. I'd like to call the meeting to order.
Pursuant to the House order of reference of February 13, 2008, the legislative committee on Bill C-20 will resume its study of the bill.
Before I give the floor to Minister Van Loan and his officials, I would like to take a few brief minutes to deal with housekeeping matters.
Members will have received their briefing book on the bill, prepared by the Privy Council Office, so we can expect even more profound questioning of the minister.
First, as we embark on our discovery, I would like to welcome our second analyst from the Library of Parliament. His name is Jean-Rodrigue Paré.
A special thanks to the analysts who have prepared this 22-page document. It summarizes the positions adopted by many experts and politicians on provisions similar to the ones we find in Bill C-20.
Secondly, I'd like to remind members to file their witness lists with the clerk. The preliminary one can be sent to her today, and the second and more comprehensive one on Friday. The subcommittee will meet on Monday, leaving time for testimony to be prepared.
That said, I'd like to turn the floor over to Minister Van Loan, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform. He is appearing with two officials: Dan McDougall, director of operations, democratic reform; and Warren J. Newman, senior general counsel, constitutional and administrative law section.
Minister, I understand you have a statement of 10 to 15 minutes. You have the floor. Welcome.