Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I also want to thank in particular the members of this committee, because the work you're doing on this bill is very important. It's significant that it was sent not only to a special legislative committee, indicating the importance the government places on this, but also before second reading, so that you have the fullest latitude possible in considering the important question of how to deal with how we select people to represent Canadians in the Senate, and ensuring that they do actually represent Canadians in the Senate.
The bill, of course, is Bill C-20, the Senate Appointment Consultations Act.
Our government's position has been clear on the question of the upper chamber. We believe the Senate must change. We're committed to leading that change. The bill you're studying represents one aspect of our plan to effect that change.
The Senate must change because it is a body that is not elected by Canadians, and therefore, not accountable to the Canadian people.
Quite simply, the Senate is an artifact of a long ago time where aristocrats and nobles wielded influence and power without being accountable.
Incredibly for an unelected institution, the Senate has powers that are nearly equal to those of the House of Commons. For example, the Senate can block legislation passed by the democratically elected House of Commons. It can compel government officials and Canadian citizens to appear before Senate committees. The Senate can propose and pass legislation and send it to the House of Commons for approval.
As Members of Parliament, I am sure we can all agree that it is utterly absurd for the members of the unelected, unaccountable Senate to have power nearly equal to the equal, accountable House of Parliament that we are all members of, the House of Commons.
This is not healthy for the Senate, it's not healthy for democracy in Canada, and it's not appropriate for the 21st century. That's why we introduced two bills to create a modern and accountable Senate that is consistent with modern and contemporary democratic values, principles, and traditions.
The first bill, Bill C-19, will put an end to terms of up to 45 years for senators by limiting their terms to eight years. The bill before this committee, entitled the Senate Appointment Consultations Act, is Bill C-20, and it creates a process for giving Canadians a say in who they want to represent them in the Senate by holding popular consultations with Canadians to fill vacant Senate seats.
The bill is carefully drafted to ensure that the Senate will remain a chamber of independent sober second thought and that its essential positive characteristics are maintained.
This legislative proposal is drafted so as not to make any changes that would require a formal constitutional amendment.
The formal legal method of selection remains unchanged. The constitutional powers of the Governor General to summon Canadians to the Senate and the conventional prerogative of the Prime Minister to recommend appointments are unaffected. The constitutionally stipulated qualifications of senators are maintained, and the consultation process can take account of whatever length of term Parliament ultimately decides to establish for senators. This legislative initiative does not change the constitutional role of the Senate as the arbiter of questions respecting the qualifications of senators.
This bill provides the government with the flexibility to decide whether and when to use a consultation, in how many provinces to hold a consultation during a federal or provincial election, and for how many seats, be they vacant or not. This flexibility is important. It will help to ensure that nominees are available to fill seats as they become vacant.
For the first time ever, Canadians across Canada will have a direct say in who should represent them in the Senate; however, the bill must become law before that will happen.
That is why, in a serious effort to pass this bill and achieve a modern, accountable Senate, the government asked for this bill to be sent to a special legislative committee—this committee—before second reading.
We want to work cooperatively with the opposition parties—as we did, for example, on extending the mission in Afghanistan—to bring real change, real accountability, and real progress to the Senate. It's something that Canadian people have been consistently supporting in every opinion poll taken since we formed the government—I suspect, actually, in every opinion poll that might have been taken since slightly after Confederation.
In recent public consultations on democratic reform that were completed last year, 79% of Canadians said they supported electing senators and 65% said they supported term limits for senators. The fact is that support for Senate reform is overwhelming in Canada.
Which is why we have consistently stated that we are open to different approaches on the details of Senate reform, but we will not compromise on one fundamental aspect: the Senate must change.
However, members of this committee should note that if change cannot happen through reform, if the Senate and establishment interests demonstrate that they are resistant to the idea of a modern Senate, then we believe that the Senate should be abolished.
It's not our preferred route. We prefer to try to reform the Senate before we resort to abolishing it. But if those vested interests continue to use their unaccountable and illegitimate democratic powers to resist democratization and effectively block it, I believe abolition is a route that Canadians will want us to travel.
At the end of the day, our government is committed to modernizing the Senate to reflect the 21st century democratic principles, values and traditions of our great country.
I hope that the members of this committee will work with the government in a spirit of good faith to advance this important bill, which is overwhelmingly supported by Canadians, to help create a modern and accountable Senate.
I'd be pleased to take any questions that you have.