Madam Chair, let me express my appreciation for this invitation to present my views on Bill C-20.
l wish to draw attention to two concerns about Bill C-20 in its present form. The first has to do with the legislative procedure, and the second with the lack of context in terms of the relation of the selection process to the character, functions, and role of the Senate within Parliament.
Turning to the first, the first concern relates to the use of ordinary legislation to effect what is, in substance, a constitutional amendment. The explicit objective outlined in the preamble to Bill C-20 appears to be to replace patronage in the appointment of senators by a more democratic electoral element in the process of selection. Bill C-20 indeed appears to have been very carefully crafted to create a procedure that neither contradicts nor purports legally to alter in any way the Governor General's power of appointment or the Prime Minister's right of advising the Governor General.
But it violates the spirit of the Constitution Act, 1982, which explicitly states in subsection 42(1) that an amendment to the Constitution of Canada in relation to the following matters may be made only in accordance with subsection 38(1), and specifically lists the powers of the Senate and the method of appointing senators in paragraph 42(1)(b).
Subsection 38(1) requires not only a resolution of the Senate and House of Commons for such amendments, but resolutions in two-thirds of the provinces that have, in aggregate, at least 50% of the population of all provinces.
The purpose of this amendment procedure, outlined in subsection 38(1), is to ensure a broad consensus for amendments to the basic features of our constitutional structure. Difficult as this may make amendments, nevertheless, this requirement is fundamental to Canadian federal democracy. The effort to avoid this procedure by reforming the Senate on the sly through the devious use of ordinary legislation constitutes, in my view, an anti-constitutional process. It purports to seek a democratic objective by resorting to a non-constitutional and hence ultimately anti-democratic process.
The Supreme Court, in 1978, declared that, “To make the Senate a wholly or partially elected body would affect a fundamental feature of that body”, and the Supreme Court went on to give clear and unanimous guidance that Parliament could not unilaterally alter “the fundamental features or essential characteristics of the Senate”. No matter how democratic the objectives of Bill C-20 may be, and no matter how difficult the process of constitutional amendment may be, those objectives should be pursued by the appropriate constitutional process, rather than in the devious manner proposed by Bill C-20.
A second concern arises from the proposal in Bill C-20 to alter the appointment process for senators without relating these alterations to the broader context of the role, representative basis, functions, and powers of the Senate as a part of the parliamentary structure. Any reform of the Senate must take account of three factors that are in fact interrelated: the representation of the regions and provinces, the mode of possible election, and the powers of the second chamber.
To consider just one of these aspects--without its relation to the others--by a piece of discrete legislation is likely to create unintended consequences in the relationship between the Senate and the House of Commons. For instance, if the current powers of the Senate--equal to those of the House of Commons except for the introduction of money bills--remain for a Senate whose members gain the legitimacy of an electoral base, this could produce a serious challenge to the principle of House of Commons primacy and of cabinets responsible to it.
It is no accident that in virtually all federations with parliamentary institutions elsewhere, even in those parliamentary federations with relatively strong second chambers such as Australia and Germany, the constitutional powers of the second chamber have been more limited. It is only in federations with separated executives and legislatures, not parliamentary ones, such as in presidential congressional systems, that equally powerful second chambers have proved sustainable. Furthermore, of the seven federations in which all the members of the second chamber are directly elected, only Australia is parliamentary in form. In other parliamentary federations elsewhere, other than Canada--some eight of them--most rely on election by state legislators, appointment by state governments, or by a mixture of processes.
In Canada, despite the almost equal formal constitutional powers of the Senate in practice, its lack of electoral legitimacy has induced senators generally to play a secondary role on most occasions, because of the democratic legitimacy accruing to the House of Commons. That raises the question, would a Senate composed of ambitious politicians with what becomes an electoral base, and with their individual importance enhanced by a smaller chamber than the House of Commons, willingly eschew exercising their full constitutional powers? There's a very real risk that senators with an electoral mandate, even if provided indirectly by legislation but without modification of the current formal powers, would exercise those powers that they have not dared to exercise in defiance of the House of Commons when they were clearly unelected.
Here we might note our pre-Confederation history in the united Canadas. In 1856, with John A. Macdonald's support, an elected second chamber was adopted. But after eight years of its assertiveness complicating the operation of responsible government, Macdonald admitted publicly that the elective system did not, and I quote, “fully succeed in Canada as we had expected”. Consequently, in 1864 it was he who introduced into the conference at Quebec the resolution for appointed members of the Senate.
Does this mean that I support the status quo and am opposed to the reform of the Senate? Not at all. First of all, my own comparative study of some 25 federations throughout the world has convinced me of the importance of an effective federal second chamber toward making a federation effective, including parliamentary federations.
To those in Canada who would argue for abolition of the Senate, I would point out that of 25 federations in the world, only five do not have federal second chambers. These are: the United Arab Emirates; Venezuela; and three small island federations, each with less than one million in total population, of Comoros, Micronesia, and St. Kitts and Nevis. Virtually all the other federations, although in varied forms, have found a federal second chamber desirable and necessary for at least two functions: legislative review, and the inclusion of distinctively regional views in the federal decision-making process.
For information on this federal experience elsewhere, I am leaving with the clerk of the committee copies of a recent paper of mine entitled “Federal Second Chambers Compared”, which will lay out in much more detail the experience of other federations in relation to second chambers.
As far as the function of independent legislative review and related activities are concerned, such as investigative reports, the Canadian Senate has in fact, as pointed out in many of the contributions to the book edited by Serge Joyal entitled Protecting Canadian Democracy, provided a very useful complement to the House of Commons. Indeed, individual senators such as, to name a few, Hugh Segal, Lowell Murray, and Michael Kirby have made a superb contribution to the work of Parliament.
But as to the second major function of second chambers in federations generally--that is, providing a channel for the involvement of distinctly regional viewpoints in policy-making within institutions at the federal level--the Canadian Senate's lack of political legitimacy has meant that by comparison with other federations it has fallen short of the functions performed by second chambers in most federations. These are the functions that Canadian political scientists have come to refer to as intra-state federalism.
That these functions are important was recognized by the Canadian Supreme Court when it declared, in 1978, and I quote:
The Senate has a vital role as an institution forming part of the federal system....
It went on to say:
Thus, the body which had been created as a means of protecting sectional and provincial interests was made a participant in this legislative process.
Given the current weakness of the Senate in performing this federal role, Senate reform, in my view, is important and urgent. Here I would draw attention to the paper by Tom Kent entitled “Senate Reform as a Risk to Take, Urgently” in the “Special Working Paper Series on Senate Reform 2007-2008” of the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations at Queen's University.
Reform is needed to make the federal coherence of Canada more effective. As one of the most decentralized federations in the world, we not only need provincial autonomy, but federal institutions that bring provincial views more inclusively into federal decision-making rather than depending solely on the processes of executive federalism.
To achieve this reform may require elections to the Senate by a different electoral process than that of the House of Commons, but also a more rational basis of representing regional and provincial interests and an adjustment of the Senate's constitutional powers to avoid deadlocks. One possibility is along the lines proposed in the Charlottetown agreement. This is not the place to go into that prescriptive detail.
Reform requires looking not only at the method of selecting senators, but relating this to the role, functions, and powers of the Senate within Parliament. While such full reform is urgent for the welfare of Canada as a federation, it will require constitutional amendment, difficult as that may be, to redefine not only the method of electing senators but also the basis of representation and powers of the Senate.
Piecemeal reform by stealth, unrelated to the broader functions of the Senate, such as proposed by Bill C-20, not only does not go far enough, but it is even risky and dangerous insofar as it does not take into account its likely effect upon the relative role and powers of the Senate.
Thank you.