Thank you very much.
I want to apologize for the absence of my colleague, Robert Roach, who was going to be here. He took ill from some weekend travelling in Winnipeg, so I'll be here by myself.
I'm pleased to have this opportunity. Senate reform has been an interest of mine since about 1973. It's been a longstanding interest of the Canada West Foundation, which I am associated with right now. I want to stress that this is not a Canada West Foundation position. As an organization we do not have a formal position on either the bill or Senate reform itself.
I also want to stress by way of preamble that I am a political scientist by training, not a constitutional lawyer. That doesn't mean I don't have constitutional opinions, but they are based more on political instincts than legal training.
My notes will be available to the committee once translation has been completed, perhaps by the end of the week. I will speak to them fairly briefly at this point, and of course will be happy to answer any questions.
Let me set the stage for my remarks by emphasizing the importance of context for Bill C-20. The context that's important to me is the Government of Canada's commitment to pursuing comprehensive Senate reform. It's only within that context that Bill C-20 makes sense, and I'll come back to this in the bulk of my comments.
In the written draft I go through the case for Senate reform in a general sense. I won't repeat the details of that, because these arguments will be well known to the committee. I'll just mention the three points that are highlighted. One is the need for more effective regional representation. The second is to have a counterweight to majority governments in the House of Commons. Parliamentary government tends to concentrate power, and the Senate provides at least the possibility of a counterweight, in a sense.
The third argument is really a democratic argument. The language I would use is that of environmentalism: that the Canadian Senate is not sustainable for the long run. I would stress that although my original interest in this topic came from failures in regional representation, to my mind now the most compelling argument for Senate reform is for democratic renewal. I think the arguments for regional representation are still important, but they're not as compelling to me as the need for democratic renewal.
Although the power of the arguments for Senate reform has grown over time, we've made no progress in reforming a 19th century institution so it can better take on the challenges of the 21st century. We are spinning our wheels while the world changes around us.
In thinking about this, it seems to me we're faced with two options. We can wait until the Senate implodes in some crisis of democratic legitimacy, some major conflict with the House of Commons; or we can try to re-engineer the Senate to bring it more into line with liberal, democratic values. To my mind at least, to do nothing only postpones the inevitable. We've passed down the status quo to our children and our grandchildren in an irresponsible fashion. The image of the Senate that comes to my mind is that of an institution cobbled together 141 years ago and now frozen in time like an insect trapped in amber.
So where does this lead me with respect to Bill C-20? My comments here are pretty straightforward. I think Bill C-20 is a reasonable step forward. It's consistent with federal states, such as Australia and the United States. It's consistent with even the most rudimentary understanding of democratic government. It's consistent with recent public opinion polling and Canadian values.
I recognize that Bill C-20 does not take us very far along the path to comprehensive Senate reform, and you're aware of the things it doesn't touch. It doesn't touch a whole bunch of things about the Senate. So it's not a final destination, it's only a small first step, but it is a first step, and it does show that incremental reform is possible.
For years Canadians have been told that Senate reform may be desirable, but it must be approached comprehensively rather than incrementally. We're then told that comprehensive reform requires constitutional amendment, and that constitutional amendment is impossible, and therefore Senate reform is impossible.
So we have a neat and tidy circular argument from which the perfect becomes the enemy of the good. We're told that any incremental reform, even a small step, is to be shunned in case we are pushed onto the slippery slope of constitutional reform. To my mind this has fostered a somewhat dishonest public debate, because if everyone lines up in favour of Senate reform it just divides those people who say it's really desirable but can't be done from those people who argue for incremental reform, and I'm certainly in that latter group.
Concern has been raised that Bill C-20 might turn out to be the final destination, that it might not only be the first step but the last step, and therefore the election or selection of senators could lock into place the existing regional distribution of Senate seats and the legislative powers of the Senate. I think this concern rests on the assumption that newly elected senators would be even more resistant to change than the existing senators. I don't accept that argument. I think the existing senators have set the bar for resistance extremely high, and I can't imagine any combination of elected or appointed senators who would be more resistant than the status quo.
I do admit, and I think this is a critical point, that the changes proposed by Bill C-20 would leave us with a bit of a dog's breakfast in terms of the Senate. But I see this as a virtue of the bill rather than a fatal flaw. The bill would destabilize the status quo and therefore force Canadians to come to grips with the design of a modernized and democratic upper house. The process has to start somewhere, and Bill C-20 sets out a reasonable starting point. I do believe the modest changes today make it more likely that we'll be able to generate the political will to confront more substantive changes tomorrow. If we begin chipping away at the status quo, we can set in motion the political dynamics that will enable us to carry the process forward.
I recognize that Bill C-20 pushes the envelope of constitutionality, although the constitutional constraints are at best unknown in the context of a living-tree Constitution. We know the Constitution is unfolding over time. We know the courts are not bound by the black letter of the law. We saw this in the way in which courts have progressively expanded the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In any event, I stress I'm not a constitutional lawyer, but perhaps because of that I'm unwilling to dump the whole issue of Senate reform into the lap of courts, who, in my view, are not well equipped to deal with what is ultimately a political question. The democratization of parliamentary institutions and the design of an effective regional representation are not fundamentally legal questions; they are political questions.
In a similar fashion, some would argue we should not proceed without first securing provincial support. However, I'm reluctant to concede that the design of national parliamentary institutions should rest with provincial governments. I do not believe the federation should be decentralized to the point where provincial governments can, in their own interests, pre-empt the democratic reform of national parliamentary institutions. Nor do I believe the potential opposition in provincial governments to Senate reform necessarily reflects the desire of provincial populations, and it's those provincial populations we want to represent.
I'll just draw your attention to a useful analogy to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Many of the provincial governments were initially resistant to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Government of Canada proceeded, and it turned out the provincial populations were overwhelmingly in support of this and the provincial governments caved.
If Bill C-20 gets the ball rolling with respect to Senate reform, what might the next steps be?
I'll end with this set of points. We are confronting a major problem. We don't have an acceptable model of what a comprehensively reformed Senate might look like. We simply don't have something we can pull off the shelves.
My organization has been associated with the triple-E model. I think the triple-E model is increasingly shopworn, and I think it now lacks relevance to the country we are becoming.
It's not a surprise to me that we don't have an acceptable or consensual model of what a reformed Senate might look like. We've devoted so much of our intellectual energy to blocking Senate reform that we've had very little left over to think through what a reformed Senate might look like.
If we're able to move forward, we have to figure out an appropriate form of election. If we don't get the election format right, we can dig ourselves into very serious trouble. We need a formula for regional representation that captures the complexity of this country and figures out how to deal with a very unequal distribution of population across provinces. We have to figure out how to work the sparsely populated northern territories into a reformed Senate.
We have to think through how we can have non-territorial representation in the Senate—how we can have an electoral system that ensures, for example, that the aboriginal population of Saskatchewan, the Acadians in New Brunswick, or the Liberals in Alberta are represented in some way within the Senate.
We haven't worked out what the impact of a reformed Senate might be on the House of Commons. I think Senate reform would set in motion some fairly fundamental reforms within the House of Commons, including a move to finally have full representation by population within the House of Commons.
I'm happy to discuss this at length, because you're the only group I can discuss it at length with. I believe that if we can get it right, we can create a Senate that will be a truly national legislature, reflecting not only regional diversity but also diversity within provincial communities. If we get the design details wrong, however, we could make a bad situation worse.
Some argue that we should stop until we have everything figured out, but past experience shows that Canadians will not even begin to tackle these critical design questions until the Senate reform train leaves the station. If we do not build on the momentum that Bill C-20 will create, nothing will happen. There must be a stimulus to creative thought, and this is what Bill C-20 provides.
To conclude, some would argue that we should be cautious, that we should wait for the premiers to fall into line or wait for the courts to chart a path forward. However, we have been cautious, excessively cautious, for generations, and nothing has happened. Nothing has happened for 141 years.
In quoting from the bill, I would argue that the Parliament of Canada has a primary responsibility to ensure “that Canada’s representative institutions, including the Senate, continue to evolve in accordance with the principles of modern democracy and the expectations of Canadians”. The abdication of this responsibility by Parliament will inflict serious damage on the very fabric of democratic political life in Canada.
Thank you. I'd be happy to respond to any questions you might have.