That's a difficult question. Let me begin with the one I think is the most important--I'm not suggesting the others are not important--and that's figuring out what the appropriate size of the senatorial districts would be.
My concern with districts that are represented by a single senator is it doesn't provide a lot of opportunity for an electoral system to break up some of these large blocks.
To take an example, if Alberta had six Senate districts, each one electing one senator, we would get this uniform partisan representation from Alberta we have in the House of Commons.
If you have three districts or three senators per district, under the electoral system that is being proposed here, you would guarantee those three elected senators would not all be from the same party, unless Alberta was so overwhelmingly in public sentiment in that direction, which we're not.
So getting the size of the constituency right is very important, and that's what we haven't shaped up, as I read it, in Bill C-20.