The move is already under way. We are committed to moving to open educational resources. Quite a few universities are following in our lead already. This has started. But it's big in the States. The State of Washington has gone to open education resources. California is going. President Obama put in I think it's $200 million for the creation of open education resources.
Again, the main impetus to this is the digital locks. You can't run a modern university online with all these restrictions. We're negotiating with our publishers, and we give millions of dollars to publishers. I hope that the creators get some of that money, but we give millions, and we give millions to the copyright collectives as well. We just want to make sure that we can do, with the material, what needs to be done for learning. You can't do it if you put all these restrictions on it.
We have students in Australia. We have DVDs; they don't work in Australia. What are you talking about? The world is getting smaller. They're putting in all these restrictions, and they're trying to control us. You can have this book, but you can't do this, you can't do that, you can't do this other thing. It's an offence to show the book to your wife. Read those licences. They're so restrictive that we just can't work with them. And it's going to destroy them. These are the unintended consequences.
I've said in a few forums, well, bring on the digital locks. Lock everything away. Because I'm the chair of Open Education Resources, and I'm promoting the use of them and I think there couldn't be a better promotion. If you think you're defending the copyright industry by making it more and more restrictive, I respectfully suggest that you're not doing it, that the unintended consequences are going to come.