--and very, very clearly.
When we say businesses, we mean small, medium-sized and large businesses. We know that large businesses start off as small businesses. We recognize their fragility and we are trying to give them a chance to grow.
There may be parallels with artists. There are single artists who are individually self-employed. They may not want to become big organizations and may be happy to stay at that level, but I think what is true is that they are a little more vulnerable than larger organizations.
Now, one of the points that I keep hearing--and you brought it up today--is the issue that if you feel your rights have been violated, you have the option of going to the courts. However, most individual artists say repeatedly that this is an onerous and expensive process.
I have a question. You belong to associations and groups. Is there any service provided within those organizations and groups, if your rights have been violated, to provide resources to you to help with the litigation process? Or are you literally on your own?