Again, I'm not an artist per se.
I thank you for your comments with respect to the quality of Canadian content having improved in the last few years. That's certainly something we're very proud of, and it makes our job of representing producers much easier when there's a broader public acceptance, both domestically and internationally, of our work. I really do appreciate those comments.
I think the difference with parody--and this goes back to the whole idea of definition--is that we're really trying to understand a true creative new use of something or making a really new work in the context of parody versus, again, abusing a mashup type of provision to effectively steal a copy of something, put a new top and tail on it, and say, “Now introducing season five of Degrassi”, and calling that a mashup. The difficulty in this conversation is it's a continuum. Where do we find that balance?
I think this committee is probably going to have some very interesting clause-by-clause work to do in that area, and we would be very interested in contributing to that process to the extent that we can, but we couldn't possibly answer for you today exactly how we would do that.