It's more than simply just the docket system. It's the docket system in addition to the way we collect and process the information.
Bail first came up as an issue for me, in my professional career, about 10 years ago. We've been working on trying to get a handle on how many people are granted bail and whether or not individuals commit offences while on bail for that period of time, if not longer.
The issue is, as I've indicated earlier, not knowing within that court system whether or not the individual is in custody when they first show up in court. There's also the possibility of getting information when they show up in court, whether or not they're released or remanded in custody. The data we currently have collects both the appearance type and the appearance result in the same field.
I can go into the details. Now that we have a micro-data correction survey and we have micro-data, which is detailed data from courts, we're going to link those two files so that we can, for the first time, answer some of these questions on individuals on bail and on whether or not they commit more offences.