This is all very well known in police circles. The guns enter at Châteauguay. The biggest native reserve where they come in is Akwesasne. Indeed, this is well known. If you are in the Châteauguay area, you know that Sûreté du Québec officers do not intervene on their own initiative, that is, they will only intervene if they get a tip or if they are suspicious. In that case they ask the band council if they can go to such and such an address. That's how it works.
That's why we are telling you that Bill C-35 is part of a larger group of measures. It also involves tightening border controls. That's something else I'd like to talk about, but I don't want to get off the subject.
As Tony said a few moments ago, we don't have specific statistics for Montreal because there are no official statistics. You can get statistics on almost anything, but not on the number of crimes committed by persons who are out and about.
A detective sergeant who works with us told me that he was on the intelligence squad of a federal program funded by the federal. He supervises 18 Quebec police officers working on firearms. They recently seized three guns in Montreal, or in Quebec, which all came from the same address in Wisconsin. When they realized this, they asked American police officers to look into the matter. They went to the address of the individual in Wisconsin to meet with him. He was a trucker who crossed the border at Vancouver once a week. In the United States, people must register their firearms, but they do not have to renew their permit. This man had 750 weapons registered in his name, and they were all handguns. The investigation found 250 of them, but there are still 500 missing as we speak. We're not inventing things. Detective sergeant René Comtois could come before the committee to give you more details. This is what's happening. As I said, this can help us with other cases, and I think it is important to make these issues public because it is in everyone's interest to know.